How To Best Use A Smoker For Cajun Smoking?

How Can I Use My Smoker For Cajun Smoking?

Cajun smoking is a great way to add more flavor to your meat. The process, which involves heating, cooking, or roasting of food items through the constant application of heat, is used by many foodies to prepare some amazing and mouth-watering dishes. The use of hardwood chips in Cajun smoking helps add flavor and provide a distinct taste to the food that you prepare so diligently.

Smokers can be used for Cajun smoking your food and preserve it for later consumption too. Food smoking helps in avoiding wastage of food items. This can come in handy at all times. Smoking also helps prevent fat from getting rancid and molds from forming on fermented sausage. There are many other ways Cajun smoking can help you as a foodie, to make your food more appealing.

From maximizing the shelf life of the product, to enhancing the flavor and smell of the food being smoked, smoking is a great way to prepare any recipe. It is also worth noting that smoking changes the color of the meat and makes it redder, thus making it more appealing and enticing. After reading about the advantages of smoking your food, we are sure you are eager to find out about the different ways you can use your smoker for Cajun smoking.

There are different ways through which you can do so. The most popular being, Dutch oven cooking, Grilling, Cold Smoking and Baking. Each of them has its own pros and cons. All these methods not only help to make your food look more appealing; they improve the taste and smell of it too. Cajun smoking your food can help all you foodies enjoy some amazing recipes in the comfort of your home.

These methods can help you prepare some amazing recipes that lid would demand little efforts. You will need to demand little time and then treat yourself to some elegant delicacies. Cajun smoking can help you make dishes that would leave you licking your fingers after every meal. So, let us talk about the different ways you can use your smoker for Cajun smoking.

Dutch oven cooking

Dutch ovens are great tools that can last a lifetime. This is also essential since some of them can get pretty pricey; take care of them properly. You should know all about Dutch oven before Cajun smoking your food using it. There are some vital points you should be aware about, when operating Dutch ovens.

Here are some classic mistakes that you should avoid when you are using your Dutch oven for Cajun smoking.

  • Using your Dutch oven on very high heat 

Dutch ovens can retain heat. So, you do not need to use then on high heat. Mild to moderate heat is what you should be aiming for. Overheating the food will do no good and instead of a recipe with preserved flavors and great taste, you may have over cooked food on your hands. The tip from this is to always cook on low to medium heat, even when frying or searing. High heat should only be used when reducing a stock or sauce or boiling a pot of water.

  • Preheating your Dutch oven when it is empty

Preheating a Dutch oven when it is empty is another thing that you want to avoid. It can easily become just as bad as it is while cooking it in a small heat. The oven can easily heat up pretty fast. This may cause the food and the surface both, to burn. Another thing to be kept in mind is that you do not want to preheat your oven while it is empty. The reason is that it may cause the enamel to crack easily. To avoid this, you can just drizzle some olive oil before you turn the stove top on.

This applies when you’re making no-knead bread, too: Never put a cold, empty pot in a hot oven to heat up. Instead, put it into a cold oven and let the two preheat, slowly, together. The tip from this is drop oil or a pat of butter on your pan before you start heating it.

  • Using an appropriate amount oil to coat the bottom of the pan

This mistake can cost you a lot, if not taken care of. You will need to completely cover the bottom surface with the fat before you start cooking. This can be done by pouring enough oil or butter on the surface and using it to coat the bottom of the pan.

  • Use Metal Utensils When You Cook

The thing to keep in mind is that you should never use any vessels that can damage the vital enamel coating. The simple tip that you can keep in mind is- always opt for heat resistant utensils alongside your Dutch oven. Also, be careful to not scrape the enameled sides or bottom when using a metal spoon or whisk.

  • Not drying your Dutch oven completely

Though your Dutch oven can go into the dishwasher, it can cause damage to their coating. So, your best bet is to hand wash your pot. This will ensure that the coating is not damaged. When washing your Dutch oven, make sure that you dry it completely. If you fail to do so, it may cause rust to form over the coating, because of the excess moisture that lingers.

The tip to be kept in mind is to hand wash the pot and dry it before putting it back again. You should dry the lid, and the base completely before putting it away.

These are some common mistakes that you can make while using Dutch oven for Cajun smoking. Try your level best to avoid them. Maintain a good and clean environment for cooking and you will be able to cook some amazing recipes using your Dutch oven.

How to use Dutch oven for Cajun smoking?

Line the Dutch oven with a layer of foil inside the oven and a piece to cover inside of lid. Clean your fish or meat and brine or cure your meat for flavor and to prevent spoilage. Place about ¼ c. of smoke chips in the center of the oven, spread about ½ inch thick. Over the chips, place 1 cake rack then the pan on top of the cake rack.

 Place the second rack on top of the pan then fish or meat to be smoked on the top rack. Be sure the top rack is larger than the pan you are using, and the pan covers the smoke chips so that they do not get wet.

Lay foil across the top of the oven, using enough foil to cover the entire diameter of the oven. Place the Dutch oven lid on the oven and place a pile of coals under the center of the oven to create enough heat to burn the smoke chips and oven temperature of about 200° to 250°F. Use about 7 coals for a 12” oven, 8 to 9 coals for a 14” oven etc. Just divide the diameter in half plus 1 to figure out how many coals you need for the size of the oven you are using.

Do not open the oven to look! Let coals burn out, then rest the oven for 30 minutes before opening. If the food is not done, then add more chips and repeat the process. For Cajuns, red beans and rice is a staple. You should always ensure that the beans are clean and soaked overnight. Then put them in a cast iron Dutch oven inside your smoker along with your meat.

We will now talk about using grilling for Cajun smoking and how you can use the method to produce some amazing recipes and enjoy the great way of cooking that is Cajun. So, let us see how you can use your grill as a smoker, and Cajun smoke your food to make it tastier.

How To Turn Your Grill Into A Cajun Smoker?

So, you want to Cajun smoke your food but do not have a smoker. There is no need to worry. A few modifications can help you turn your grill in a smoker that can help you in Cajun smoking.

Prep your meat and wood

To get the smoking wood all ready, you need to soak it in water for almost 2 hours at least. If you can do this overnight, that’s even better. Make sure you have quality wood chips when you are using a This way, you can prepare your wood for Cajun smoking.

You are now left with removing your meat from the brine and applying a dry rub to it. When to do it?, you ask. Well, anywhere from few hours to a whole day before you initiate the cooking, is a good time. Appling a dry rub is optional if you have a flavored sauce. You can use a sauce with vase flavor that compliments it.  

Prepping up your meat and wood is the first step to make your grill ready for Cajun smoking. We now come to the 2nd step that is-

Placing Water Pans In The Grill

To begin cooking, all you need to do is get some metal pans which are cheap and easily available, and then filling them with water. The supermarket offers disposable tin pans, which can be a great fit. You should fill the pans with water at around the halfway mark. Then place these tin pans below the meat that you are cooking. The pan should take half the space at the grill’s bottom.

Some of you may ask, why water pans are used? There are many different reasons for that. The first reason is that it will allow the fat and sauce to drip into something that won’t wreck the bottom. It also helps in keeping the meat pretty moist. This helps the smoke to smoothly stick to the meat. Another aspect is that it moderates the vital temperature of the environment around the meat.

Putting Water-Soaked Chips On The Coal

An easy and simple way to get the coals all lit to be put in the grill is a chimney starter. When it comes to the type of fuel that you can use, you have many options.  Lump charcoal or standard briquettes are some of the choices you have. Some of you may wonder that could you go all wood? The answer is Yes, you can. But the wood should be one that burns steadily and slowly. And also keep in mind to not use any logs.

If you also have a grill top with hinged edges that can lift up, the whole process will become a lot easier. It will allow you to smoothly position one end over the coals. It will also allow you to add more wood or charcoal as per your needs. It is an easy and simple process and will help you a lot with your cooking. It may take some time getting used to, but it is worth it in the long run.

Once your coals are all hot and good, you can add soaked wood on the coals. You should place the grill grate on the grill. You should position the grill grate in such a way that you can easily get to it. As we said, it is a simple technique once you get used to it.

Placing Meat On The Grill

You should lay the meat in the water pans, as far as possible from the coals. In no way should the meat be allowed to rest on the coals directly. If it is tedious, then you can always cook in batches. You can set it in the oven while you finish cooking the rest of the meat.

You should then cover the grill and position the vent directly on the meat. This will help the smoke to be directed on the meat. You should close all vents including the bottom vent. This will help keep the temperature low.

Keep An Eye On The Temperature

Last but not the least, we come to the step of monitoring the temperature. You should always notice the grill to ensure that smoke is constantly coming out of it. You should have a look from time to time to make sure that the temperature is perfect. The temperature should not be more than 325 degrees. If it is under 300, it is even better. Also, remember that a lid thermometer will not show the temperature at the meat level but that of the lid.

It may be the case that your lid may not have a thermometer, which is built in. You can still check the temperature by putting a meat thermometer into the cover vent.

Check The Coals and Rotate The Meat

You should check the coal from around an hour mark. This is done to make sure that everything is going as per the plan! Always add more soaked wood and rotate the meat at this point.


Different kinds of meat will take different time to be cooked. There are different visual cues which can help you identify when the meat is done. Depending upon the meat you are Cajun smoking, you should be able to tell when it is done.

Cold Smoking

This is another way you can use your smoker for Cajun smoking. Cold smoking will open up a world of flavor possibilities for you. Like many other processes that can be used in Cajun smoking, cold smoking can help food enthusiasts to make their food tastier by adding more flavor with little efforts.

Products like meat need cold smoking but some products may just be cold smoked and not cured like meat. Another benefit is that the products that you cold smoke can last for a long period of time. They do not need to be refrigerated either. The easy trick always is exposing the food to smoke but controlling the heat that it comes in contact with. The food is usually kept in a chamber which is unheated. Smoke is blown and pumped in from another chamber.

Smoked salmon and salami are few amazing things that come to one’s mind whenever a foodie thinks about some delicious and cold, Cajun smoked dish. What you should know is that there is still a wide array of recipes that can easily be smoked. Cheese is one such example. If it is your first time cold smoking, then we suggest that you start with some low risk food. Once you gain enough confidence, you can switch over to the dishes that require time and expertise.


Baking in a smoker, is great for desserts. Baking can help you prepare the full meal by making amazing cakes and other desserts. You can use baking for complimenting your meal and making a name for yourself as a master chef who takes care of every aspect of an amazing meal. You can also use baking to make some amazing cookies.

These are the different ways you can use your smoker for Cajun smoking. Try these ways and prepare some amazing dishes to everyone’s liking. And do not forget to savor the taste of these amazing dishes by yourself too!

Dawn Corbett

My name is Dawn and I love cooking up a storm in the kitchen with my smoking! Pity the local fire department gets irritated sometimes...

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